
Brackenwood Golf Club is a club on a municipal golf course. The council look after the course and all we do is play on it. Obviously it is not as simple as that. The club has a great relationship with the green staff. We also discuss with the council the condition of the course and try to persuade them to make improvements and changes as necessary.

What this means to members is that there are two cost elements. There is an annual fee to be a member of the club but also each time a person plays they must pay a green fee to the council. Your subscription to be a member is due on 1st March each year and at the moment this is £140.00. This money is predominantly used to maintain the clubhouse. Now that the club is integrated all members, male, ladies and seniors pay the same amount. £100 of the a members fee is lodged into a building account an is used to run and maintain the clubhouse. There is a Joint Management Committee consisting of four ladies and four men who are responsible for the clubhouse. The remaining part of your fee is used to run ladies and men golf competitions.

As it was explained on a previous page if you intend to play a lot of golf you will be much better off obtaining a council contract rather than paying green fees each time you play. You can pay for the contact on a monthly basis by direct debit. Also if you are not going to be playing for lengthy period you can cancel the direct debit and reinstate it at a later date. Once you have the contract the more you play the cheaper it becomes. Come out on a summers evening and play 6 or 9 holes for free!